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Numerical simulation study on co-incineration of industrial solid waste in a municipal solid waste incinerator
Abstract:Numerical simulation was conducted to investigate the heat and mass transfer characteristics in a 12 t/d pilot-scale gra... Open+

Numerical simulation was conducted to investigate the heat and mass transfer characteristics in a 12 t/d pilot-scale grate-type incinerator for municipal solid waste during the co-incineration of industrial solid waste, and the velocity field , temperature field , and the concentration field of pollutants in-cluding CO ,NOx,and SO2  were analyzed during the incineration process. The results showed that the velocity field distribution in the incinerator was similar for incinerating municipal solid waste ,industrial solid waste, or a mixture of both, with lower flow velocity in the upper part of the bed and uniform overall flow distribution. The main combustion zone occurred on the first grate, and the addition of industrial solid waste expanded and shifted the high-temperature area, significantly improving the heat transfer coeficient on the fumace wall. The co-incineration of industrial solid waste provided more opportunities for sulfur-containing volatile compounds to react with oxygen , leading to the generation of a large amount of SO2 in the primary combustion chamber, while the emission concentration of NOx did notchange much. In addition, the results verified in the actual incinerator showed an increase in temperature after mixing industrial solid waste, incomplete combustion of materials in the vertical shaft, a slightincrease in SO2 concentration in the exhaust gas, and litle change in NOx concentration, which is consistent with the simulation results.



  • CAI Pengtao
  • CHEN Tong
  • ZHANG Guangxue
  • CHEN Bei
  • WANG Yuchun


  • Institute for Thermal Power Engineering Zhejiang University
  • Jiaxing Research Institute Zhejiang University
  • Institute of Energy Engineering China Jiliang University


  • Gratetype incinerator
  • Waste incinerator
  • Combustion model
  • Numerical simulation

Funded projects

国家重点研究计划项目(2020YFC1910101); 国家自然科学基金创新研究小组(51621005)


CAI Pengtao, CHEN Tong, ZHANG Guangxue, CHEN Bei, WANG Yuchun.Numerical simulation study on co-incineration of industrial solid waste in a municipal solid waste incinerator[J/OL].Energy Environmental Protection:1-9[2023-07-18].https://doi.org/10.20078/j.eep.20230704.

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