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Research on the pollution characteristies of typical hazardous wastes in the non-ferrous smelting industry

Received Date:2024-04-07 Revised Date:2024-04-29


Abstract:The National Catalogue of Hazardous Wasteis the primary legal document for identilfying hazardous wastes and also provid... Open+

The National Catalogue of Hazardous Wasteis the primary legal document for identilfying hazardous wastes and also provides the foundation for its environmental management in China. The non-ferrous smelting industry involves a complex process with numerous side reactions, resulting in diverse solid wastes and complex pollution characteristics. Non-ferrous smelting waste constitutes a significant category within the National Catalogue of Hazardous Waste. However, the practical environmental management of hazardous waste in non-ferrous smelting reveals challenges in identifying solid waste generation points, unclear attributes of solid waste, and uncertain pollution characteristics. To address these issues , this study analyzes the sources of typical hazardous wastes from copper, lead, zinc, and aluminum smelting. It examines the physical and chemical properties, as well as pollution characteristics, of solid wastes at the various production stages, ineluding surface morphology, moisture content, chemical composition, leaching toxicity concentration, etc. Moreover, this research clarifies the environmental risks associated with key types of solid wastes, such as lead filter cake and arsenic residue. The findings from this study support the revision of hazardous waste classification in the smelting processes of copper, lead, zine, and aluminum, as outlined in the National Catalogue of Hazardous Waste. Aequiring the aforementioned foundational data is crucial for refining the identification of hazardous waste generation points, accurately deseribing the waste's source, delining its hazardous characteristics, and proposing suggestions to enhance environmental management practices within the non-ferrous smelting industry.



  • WANG Fei1,2
  • LI Xuebing1,2
  • HUANG Qifei1,2,*
  • YANG Yufei.1,2


  • 1. State Key Laboratory of Environmental Criteria and Risk Assessment, Chinese Research Academy of Environmental Science
  • 2. Key Laboratory of Hazardous Waste Identification and Risk Control, Ministry of Ecology and Environment of the Peoples Republic of China, Chinese Research Academy of Environmental


  • Hazardous waste
  • Nonferrous smelting
  • Pollution characteristies
  • Heavy metal
  • Toxicity


WANG Fei, LI Xuebing, HUANG Qifei,  YANG Yufei. Research on the pollution characteristies of typical hazardous wastes in the non-ferrous smelting industry[J/OL]. Energy Environmental Protection: 1-8[2024-05-29].

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