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Analysis of relevant normative documents on oil sludge treatment and disposal

Received Date:2024-04-11 Revised Date:2024-05-28


Abstract:Oily sludge, a mixture of oil, water and solid, is an important waste generated from the oil and gas industry. It is usu... Open+

Oily sludge, a mixture of oil, water and solid, is an important waste generated from the oil and gas industry. It is usually classified as hazardous waste because it contains inflammable and toxic substances, such as petroleum hydrcarbons, heavy metals, and polycyclic armatic hydrocarbons. It is expected that the amount of prduced oily sludge will continue to increase due to the increasing exploitation of unconventional oil and gas resources. In the past few years, normative documents related to oily sludge have been inereasingly updated and published, including the laws and regulations, policy guidelines , and standards. These documents are important for all aspects of oily sludge treatment and disposal technology, such as research and development, screening, and commercialization. Therefore, a total of 58 normative documents have been searched and collected, Based on these, the classification and definition of oily sludge types in the past editions of the National Hazarous Waste List are compared. Furthemore , the latest classification and characteristics identification process are summarized, and the national and local management regulations on envirnmental protection of oil and gas exploration and development are listed. The pollution prevention technology policy and the environmental management guide for hazardous waste are analyzed, with all national, industrial. and local standards discussed. Finally, a schematic diagram of the technical prcess for oily sludge treatment and disposal is drawn, and suggestions are given for further improvement of the normative documents. The results can provide reference and inspiration for envirnmental management, process selection, and research and development of treatment and disposal technology.



  • CHEN Zhong1,*
  • XU Fenglin2
  • YANG Demin3
  • WANG Chaoqiang4
  • XIE Jiacai5
  • MEI Xudong2
  • TAN Xun1
  • TONG Kun5,*


  • 1. Chongging Institute of Green and Intelligent Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences
  • 2. Chongqing Fuling Shale Gas Environmental Protection Research and Development and Technical Service Center
  • 3. National and Local joint Engineering Research Center of Shal Gas Exploration and Development, Chongqing Institute of Geology and Mineral Resources
  • 4. School of Materials Science and Engineering, Chongqing Jiaotong University
  • 5.CNPC Research Institute of Safety & Environmental Technology


  • Oil sludge
  • Hazardous waste
  • Unconventional oil and gas
  • Nomative documents
  • Treatment and disposal technology


CHEN Zhong, XU Fenglin, YANG Demin, WANG Chaoqiang, XIE Jiacai, MEI Xudong, TAN Xun, TONG Kun. Analysis of relevant normative documents on oil sludge treatment and disposal[J/OL]. Energy Environmental Protection: 1-12[2024-05-17].

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