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Advances and challenges in electrocatalysis for reactive capture of CO2
Abstract:CO2 capture is a key technology to control greenhouse gas emissions, and electrochemical CO2 reduction is an effective w... Open+

CO2 capture is a key technology to control greenhouse gas emissions, and electrochemical CO2 reduction is an effective way to close the artificial carbon cycle. However, both CO2 capture and electrochemical CO2 reduction are energy-intensive processes, which are regarded as two independent technical and scientific fields in previous studies. The upstream carbon capture and downstream electrochemical reduction processes can be integrated and coupled through direct electrolysis of the capture medium (such as amine rich solution and bicarbonate), which can avoid the regeneration of the capture medium with high energy consumption and CO2 release, eliminate the transportation and storage of CO2, reduce the operating cost of the overall process, and improve the energy efficiency and economic benefits of the entire carbon cycle. It provides a potential solution to save energy and capture CO2 economically and efficiently. In this paper, the advances in electrochemical reactivity CO2 captureare summarized, the achievements in electrodes and electrolytes are discussed, the limiting factors affecting the efficiency of integrated electrolysis are discussed, and the potential mechanisms and possible reaction paths of various factors are analyzed. Finally, the main challenges and opportunities in the field of direct electrochemical reduction of capture media are highlighted, and the future development of coupled carbon capture and electrochemical utilization processes is prospected.



  • WU Zhongzhi
  • LIU Jingyi
  • WANG Rujie
  • WANG Lidong


  • Hebei Key Lab of Power Plant Flue Cas MultiPollutants Control Department of Environmental Science and Engineering North China Electric Power University


  • CO2 capture
  • Electrochemical reduction
  • Trapping medium
  • ERCC
  • electrolytic

Funded projects

国家自然科学基金资助项目(52325004,22178096); 河北省自然科学基金资助项目(B2021502009); 中央高校基本科研业务费经费资助项目(2023MS143)


WU Zhongzhi,LIU Jingyi,WANG Rujie,WANG Lidong.Advances and challenges in electrocatalysis for reactive capture of CO2[J/OL].Energy Environmental Protection:1-12[2023-12-18].https://doi.org/10.20078/j.eep.20231207.

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