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Research advances in simulation and design of biomass gasifiers
Abstract:Biomass plays a crucial role as both a primary and renewable energy source, making signifcant contributions to China&#39... Open+

Biomass plays a crucial role as both a primary and renewable energy source, making signifcant contributions to China's low-carbon and sustainable development in the energy sector. Gasification, an efficient and clean technology for biomass energy utilization, holds great importance. Gasifier design is a key factor that impacts the operational effectiveness of biomass gasification systems. This paper provides a comprehensive overview of the types , design parameters, and research status of biomass gasifiers, both domestically and internationally. Firstly, various biomass gasifier simulation methods are introduced, including traditional empirical models, artificial neural networks, and other techniques. These methods are crucial for gaining an in-depth understanding of key parameters in the gasification process. Secondly , this paper explores different design methods for biomass gasifiers , such as empirical design methods, semi-empirical design methods , and reverse design methods. These approaches have been developed with the aim of enhancing gasifier efficiency and promoting production sustainability. Lastly, this paper emphasizes the significance of biomass gasifier simulation and design methods in advancing renewable energy. t also discusses the future development direction of biomass gasifier simulation and design, with the goal of providing a valuable reference for technological innovation and practical application in this field.



  • SONG Ziyun
  • TAO Junyu
  • HU Yongjie
  • XIA Shaige
  • YAN Beibei
  • LI Jian
  • ZHOU Shengquan
  • CHENG Zhanjun
  • CHEN Guanyi


  • Interdisciplinary Innovation Lab for Environment & Energy Tianjin University of Commerce
  • School of Environmental Science and Engineering Tianjin University


  • Biomass
  • Simulation method
  • Gasifier
  • Gasification technology

Funded projects

国家重点研发计划项目(2022YFD1601100); 天津市自然科学基金重点项目(22JCZDJC00530);


SONG Ziyun,TAO Junyu,HU Yongjie,XIA Shaige,YAN Beibei,LI Jian,ZHOU Shengquan,CHENG Zhanjun,CHEN Guanyi.Research advances in simulation and design of biomass gasifiers[J/OL].Energy Environmental Protection:1-13[2023-11-15].https://doi.org/10.20078/j.eep.20231104.  

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