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Economic evaluation of biomass pyrolysis liquefaction technology based on life cycle assessment
Abstract:Based on the life-cycle assessment, the project of biomass pyrolysis-liquefaction to yield bio-oil was analyzed by using... Open+

Based on the life-cycle assessment, the project of biomass pyrolysis-liquefaction to yield bio-oil was analyzed by using technical and economic analysis methods. From the construction of the bio-oil plant to the end of the operational life , the static and dynamic investment payback period are 5.46 years and 7.45 years respectively, the intemal rate of retum is 17% , and the cumulative net present value is 2 021.491 ten thousand yuan (RMB). lf the production cost, production capacity and sales capacity of the project are the same as the expected value, the losses can be avoided when the sales price of the product (biodiesel) is not less than 6105.81 yuan/t. Compared to power consumption , the project is less sensitive to the price of raw material and requires a production scale greater than 1700 t to realize the effective profitability of the project. Further reducing energy consumption and raw material pricesis crucial for the survival and development of enterprise , while the stable and cheap supply of rawmaterials is also the key to the competition of the enterprise.



  • JIN Mengyu
  • SONG Yuanbo
  • GU Minyan
  • SI Huiping
  • SHEN Zheng
  • ZHANG Yalei


  • Institute of New Rural Development Tongji University
  • Shanghai Municipal Engineering Design and Research lnstitute Co lid
  • College of Environmental Science and Engineering Tongji University


  • Biomass
  • life cycle assessment
  • Biooil
  • Technical and economic evaluation
  • Sensitivity analysis

Funded projects



JIN Mengyu,SONG Yuanbo,GU Minyan,SI Huiping,SHEN Zheng,ZHANG Yalei.Economic evaluation of biomass pyrolysis liquefaction technology based on life cycle assessment[J/OL].Energy Environmental Protection:1-9[2023-11-13].https://doi.org/10.20078/j.eep.20231103.

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