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Mineralization characteristics and formation mechanism of shallow groundwater in Yinchuan Plain
Abstract:Based on the hydrochemical data of shallow groundwater in Yinchuan Plain , the total dissolved solids (TDS) , pH and mai... Open+

Based on the hydrochemical data of shallow groundwater in Yinchuan Plain , the total dissolved solids (TDS) , pH and main ions were analyzed using statistical methods, Pipe-trigram, Gibbs model, and correlation analysis to study the formation mechanism of the shallow groundwater. The results showed that: (1) The spatial variability of TDS, Cl-, SO42- , K+, Na+ and Mg2+ was relatively large , whereas the spatial variability of Ca2+ and HCO3- is relatively small. (2) The degree of mineralization of shallow groundwater could be divided into three stages: the first stage consisted primarily of HCO3-SO4 water or HCO3-Cl water stage with TDS<1 g="">



  • SUN Yufang
  • MENG Xuchen
  • JIN Xiaomeil
  • Li Hongbo


  • School of Water Resources and Ewironment China University of Geosciences Beijing
  • Hydrology &
  • Environmental Geological Survey Institute of Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region


  • Yinchuan Plain
  • Shallow groundwater
  • TDS
  • Hydrochemical acteristics
  • Mineralization acteristics

Funded projects

第五批宁夏青年科技人才托举工程项目(NXKJTGGC2020053); 宁夏地下水与生态环境效应研究人才小高地项目


SUN Yufang,MENG Xuchen,JIN Xiaomei,Li Hongbo.Mineralization characteristics and formation mechanism of shallow groundwater in Yinchuan Plain[J/OL].Energy Environmental Protection:1-9[2023-10-13].https://doi.org/10.20078/j.eep.20231003.

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