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Enhancements of mass transfer and heat transfer by microreactors and their applications in chemical engineering
Abstract:Chemical reactions involving fine chemicals, environmental protection , and chemical drugs often necessitate continuous ... Open+

Chemical reactions involving fine chemicals, environmental protection , and chemical drugs often necessitate continuous operation , high selectivity , and utmost safety. Particularly, when dealing with strong exothermic reactions , improper control can ead to fire or even explosions. Enhancements in mass transfer and heat transfer are crucial for addressing these challenges. Microreactors , in comparison to conventional tank reactors, offer several advantages, including high mass and heat transfer efficiency , precise control of reaction parameters , continuous operation , and enhanced efficiency and safety. This review provides a comprehensive summary of research on microreactors in chemical engineering. First, the structural characteristics and advantages of microreactors are analyzed, Next the strategies emploved in the design of microreactors to enhance mass and heat transfer are summarized. The applications of microreactors in typical strong exothermic reactions are then introduced. Finally, the review concludes by highlighting the importance, opportunities , and challenges associated with microreactor technology. The objective of this review is to provide guidance for the design, manufacturing, and application of microreactors in the industry.



  • ZHANG Shikai
  • LUO Canghai
  • ZHENG Yuan
  • XIAO Yao
  • CHEN Dong


  • College of Energy Engineering Zhejiang University


  • Microchemical engineering
  • Microreactor
  • Process intensification in chemical engineering
  • Mass transfer and heat transfer

Funded projects



ZHANG Shikai,LUO Canghai,ZHENG Yuan,XIAO Yao,CHEN Dong.Enhancements of mass transfer and heat transfer by microreactors and their applications in chemical engineering[J/OL].Energy Environmental Protection:1-9[2023-10-10]. https://doi.org/10.20078/j.eep.20231001.

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