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Research and policy recommendations on energy consumption management mechanism of pumped storage power station

Received Date:2023-12-21 Revised Date:2023-12-30 Publish Date:2024-06-12


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    Abstract:With the widespread adoption of the carbon peak and carbon neutral strategy, photovoltaic, wind power, and other new ene... Open+

    With the widespread adoption of the carbon peak and carbon neutral strategy, photovoltaic, wind power, and other new energy sources have experienced a rapid development trend. Energy storage technology plays a crucial role in supporting their large-scale development, by facilitating their integrations into the grid. Pumped storage, as a mature and cost-effective energy storage technology that is highly customizable, has become a key alternative in constructing a new power system. In recent years, China has accelerated the development of pumped storage power stations, leading the world in both the number of operational pumped storage power stations and those under construction projects. However, operating pumped storage power stations results in energy losses. Under the current statistical assessment system, this energy consumption is primarily attributed to the project location, impeding local efforts in controlling energy consumption. Based on an analysis of the sources of energy consumption in pumped storage power stations, this study provides a detailed examination of the energy consumption intensity and overall performance of typical capacity pumped storage power stations, as well as the existing statistical assessment mechanisms and associated issues. Various assessment schemes are analyzed for their pros and cons. Finally, considering the functional positioning and beneficiaries of pumped storage power stations, this paper proposes policy recommendations to optimize the evaluation mechanism for energy consumption in pumped storage power stations, adhering to the principle of "who benefits, who bears the burden" . These suggestions not only promote the sustainable development of pumped storage power stations but also serve as a reference for managing energy consumption in the large-scale development of new energy storage technologies.



    • ZHOU Xujian
    • MA Pan
    • CHEN Lijun*
    • WU Jiezhen
    • HAN Gang
    • HE Heng
    • FENG He


    • Research Department of Energy and EcoEnvironment, Zhejiang Development & Planning Institute


    • Pumped storage
    • Energy consumption management
    • Evaluation mechanism
    • Policy recommendations


    ZHOU Xujian, MA Pan, CHEN Lijun, et al. Research and policy recommendations on energy consumption management mechanism of pumped storage power station[J]. Energy Environmental Protection, 2024, 38(3): 145-151.

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