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Current status and application prospects of industrial carbon emission data platforms at home and abroad

Received Date:2023-04-28 Revised Date:2023-05-29 Publish Date:2023-08-28


Download Download 2023 NO.04

    Abstract:China is currently the country with the largest carbon emissions in the word, with industrial carbon emissions accountin... Open+

    China is currently the country with the largest carbon emissions in the word, with industrial carbon emissions accounting for approximately 68% of the global carbon emissions. Under the "double control" of total amount and intensity of carbon emissions, calculating accurately of industrial carbon emissions is of great significance. This article analyzes the relevant standards for total carbon emissions and products carbon emissions intensity at home and abroad, as well as the construction of low-carbon data platforms. It is found that currently, the accounting standards for total carbon emissions at home and abroad are mostly based on the "IPCC Inventory Guidelines" . Internationally, standards related to product carbon footprint have been established, but domestic development is relatively lagging, and most industries still lack authoritative product carbon footprint accounting and evaluation standards. Both domestic and foreign carbon emission data platforms and software lack carbon emission information covering process. The data is mainly from literature reports or statistical yearbook with low degree of data localization, and is unable to achieve high accuracy and international mutual recognition level. Based on research and analysis of domestic and foreign standard systems, data platforms, and software, this study proposes the urgent need to improve the full chain low-carbon standard system, build a multi-industry interconnected low-carbon data platform, and develop a multi-scale evaluation software for resources, environment, carbon, and economy. This will deeply integrate industry processes and the carbon emission data of productions supply chains. Furthermore, the open and coordinated application of data resources will be achieved, serving the precise carbon reduction and coordinated development of multiple goals such as green and low-carbon in the industrial field.



    • LIU Tieniu1
    • GUO Shaohua2,3,4,*
    • ZHANG Di2,3,4
    • ZHAO He2,3,4
    • WEI Ping1
    • LI Tana5


    • 1. Tongling Pacific Special Materials Co., Ltd.
    • 2. Innovation Academy for Green Manufacture, Chinese Academy of Sciences
    • 3. Chemistry & Chemical Engineering Data Center, Chinese Academy of Sciences
    • 4. Institute of Process Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences
    • 5. The Party School of C.P.C Inner Mongolia District Committee


    • Industrial process
    • Carbon emission
    • Data platform
    • Product carbon footprint
    • Standardsystem
    • Model software


    LIU Tieniu, GUO Shaohua, ZHANG Di, et al. Current status and application prospects of industrial carbon emission data platforms at home and abroad[J]. Energy Environmental Protection, 2023, 37(4): 121-130.

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